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Leszek Pysiak 
Department of Mathematics and Information Science, 


Warsaw University of Technology 

> . 

^ ■ Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland 




March 30, 2010 


We define and investigate the concept of the groupoid repre- 
sentation induced by a representation of the isotropy subgroupoid. 
Groupoids in question are locally compact transitive topological 
groupoids. We formulate and prove the imprimitivity theorem for 
such representations which is a generalization of the classical Mackey's 
theorem known from the theory of group representations. 

Keywords: Groupoids, Induced representations, Im- 
primitivity systems. 

Mathematical Subject Classifications: 22A22, 22A30, 

1 Introduction 

The present paper, devoted to the study of the theory of groupoid repre- 
sentations, is a continuation of my previous work [20] in which one can find 
a presentation of the groupoid concept and of the groupoid representation 
concept, important examples as well as relationships between groupoid rep- 
resentations and induced group representations (see also [18], [21], [23], [TT]). 
Groupoids have now found a permanent place in manifold domains of math- 
ematics, such as: algebra, differential geometry, in particular noncommuta- 
tive geometry, and algebraic topology, and also in numerous applications, 
notably in physics. It is a natural tool to deal with symmetries of more com- 
plex natura than those described by groups (see [23], [11], [2]). Groupoid 
representations were investigated by many authors and in many ways (see 

m, Mi SB], CP. 0)- 

In a series of works ([7], [9], [8], [19]) we have developed a model unify- 


ing gravity theory with quantum mechanics in which it is a groupoid that 
describes symmetries of the model, namely the transformation groupoid of 
the pricipal bundle of Lorentz frames over the spacetime. To construct the 
quantum sector of the model we have used a regular representation of a non- 
commutative convolutive algebra on this groupoid in the bundle of Hilbert 
spaces. In paper ([5J) we have applaied this groupoid representation to in- 
vestigate spacetime singulariies, and in [10] the representation of the funda- 
mental groupoid to the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect. 

The present work is aimed at introducing the concept of the groupoid 
representation induced by a representation of the isotropy subgroupoid. We 
assume that the groupoid in question is a locally trivial topological groupoid 
and as a topological space it is a locally compact Husdorff space (Section 4). 
This concept, framed "in the spirit of Mackey" is a natural generalization 
of induced represetation of locally compact groups, created and investigated 
by him [15J. Representations, investigated in the present work, are unitary 
and are realized in Hilbert bundles over the unit spaces of a given groupoid 
|18j . Section 5 contains the formulation and the proof of the imprimitivity 
theorem for groupoids which is a generalization of the classical Mackey's im- 
primitvity theorem for group representations [13], [15]. The theorem says 


that every unitary groupoid representation, for which there exists the im- 
primitivity system, is a representation induced by a representation of the 
isotropy subgroupoid. 

In Section 6, I investigate induced representations of the transformation 
gropoid over a homogeneous space of the group G and show that there exists a 
strict connection between these representations and induced representations 
of the group G (in the sense of Mackey. 

In Section 7, I give a physical interpretation of concepts analyzed in Sec- 
tion 6. I describthe a representation that has been used in the mentioned 
above model unifying gravity and quanta when this model is reduced (as the 
result of the act of measurement) to the usual quantum mechanics. And 
then I consider the energy-momentum space for a massive particle (it is a 
homogeneous space of the Lorentz group) and the transformation groupoid 
corresponding to this space. I also give a definition (in the sense of Mackey 
|14j . [13]) of a particle as an imprimitivity sestem for the unitary represen- 
tation of this groupoid. 


2 Preliminaries 

Let Q be a groupoid over a set X (the base of £/). We recall (cf. [I], [18] ) 
that a groupoid ^ is a set with a partially defined multiplication "o" on a 
subset Q 2 of Q x Q, and an inverse map g — > g^ 1 defined for every g G Q. The 
multiplication is associative when defined. One has an embedding e : X — > Q 
called the identity section and two structure maps d, r : Q — > X such that 

for g E Q. 

Let us introduce the following fibrations in the set Q: 

G x = {g : d(g) = x} 

G x = {geG: r(g) = x} 

for x G X. Let us also denote Q y x = Q x f]Q y , and consider the set Q* = 
Q x p| Q x for x G X. It has the group structure and is called the isotropy group 
of the point x. It is clear that the set T = \J x£X Gx has the structure of a 
subgroupoid of Q over the base X (all the structure maps are the restrictions 
of the structure maps of Q to T). 


We call Q a transitive groupoid, if for each pair of elements Xi,x 2 G X 
there exists g G Q such that d(g) = x\ and r(g) = x 2 . 

A groupoid Q is a topological groupoid if Q and X are topological spaces 
and all structure maps are continuous (in particular, the embedding e is a 
homeomorphism of X onto its image). 

In the following we assume that Q (and thus X) is a locally compact 
Hausdorff space. 

Example 1 A pair groupoid. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff 
space. Take Q = X x X. We define the set Q 2 of composable elements 
as Q 2 = {((x , y) , (y , z)) : x,y,z G X} C Q x Q and a multiplication, for 
{(x,y),(y,z)) G Q 2 , by 

(x,y) o (y, z ) = (x,z). 

Moreover, we have: (x,y)^ = (y,x), d(x,y) = y, r(x,y) = x, e(x) = (x,x). 
With such defined structure maps Q is a groupoid, called pair groupoid. 

Example 2 A transformation groupoid. Let X be a locally compact Haus- 
dorff space, and G a locally compact group. Let G act continuously on X 
to the right, IxG->I. Denote (x,g) h-> xg. We introduce the groupoid 
structure on the setQ = X x G by defining the following structure maps. The 


set of composable elements Q 2 = {((xg, h), (x, g) : x G X, g, h G G} C Q x Q , 
and the multiplication for ((xg,h), (x,g)) G Q 2 is given by 

And also (x, g) 1 = (xg,g x ) ; d(x, g) = x, r(x, g) = xg, e(x) = (x, e^)- This 
groupoid is called the transformation groupoid. 

Let us recall (cf. [18]) the concept of right Haar System. 

Definition 1 A right Haar system for the groupoid Q is a family {X x } x& x 
of regular Borel measures defined on the sets Q x (which are locally compact 
Hausdorff spaces ) such that the following three conditions are satisfied: 

1. the support of each \ x is the set Q x , 

2. (continuity) for any f G C C (Q) the function f°, where 

(xg,h) o ( x ,g) = (x,gh). 

belongs to C C (X) 

3. (right invariance) for any g G Q and any f G C C (Q), 

f(ho g)d\ r{g )(h) = / f(u)dX d{g )(u) 


One can also consider the family {X x } xeX of left-invariant measures, each \ x 
being defined on the set Q x by the formula \ X (E) = X^E -1 ) for any Borel 
subset E of Q x (where E^ 1 = {g G Q : g -1 G E}). Then the invariance 
condition assumes the form: 

Now, let [i be a regular Borel measure on X. We can consider the following 
measures which will be called measures associated with /i: v — J X x d/i(x) on 
Q, v~ x = J \ x dfi(x) and v 2 = J \ x x \ x dfi(x) on Q 2 . 

If v = u^ 1 we say that the measure /i is a Q -invariant measure on X . 

Definition 2 A topological groupoid Q on X is called locally trivial if there 
exist a point x G X , an open cover {Ui} of X and continuous maps s x>i : 
Ui — > Q x such that r o = i<i^ /or aZZ i. 

Proposition 1 Assume that Q is a locally trivial groupoid on X and X is 
second countable space. Let n be a regular Borel measure on X . Then 

1. Q is transitive, 

2. all isotropy groups of Q are isomorphic with each other, 

3. for every y G X there exist an open cover {Vj} of X and continuous 
maps s y j :Vj — >■ Q y such that r o Sj = id Vj , 


4- for every x G X there exists a section s x : X — > Q x which is fi- 
measurable, i.e., for every Borel set B in Q x , s~ 1 (-B) is fi-measurable 
subset of X , 

5. if the measure fi has the property that fi(A) = fi(A) for every ji- 
measurable subset A of X, then the section s x is ji — a.e. continuous on 


1. Let yi,|/2 £ X. Suppose that yi G U\ and y 2 G U 2 - Then r(si(yx)) = y\ 
and r(s 2 (y 2 )) = 1/2- But g = s^y^os^yi)- 1 has the property d{g) = y x 
and r(g) = y 2 , and this means that Q is transitive. 

2. For x,y G X let g yx be an element of Q such that d(g yx ) = x and 
r i.9yx) = V- Then we have an isomorphism of the isotropy groups Q% 
and Qv given by the formula ^97^3^070 g~l e Q v y . 

3. Let g xy be an element of Q such that d(g xy ) — y and r(g xy ) — x. Then 
in the fiber Q y we can simply define s y ^{z) = s Xji (z) o g x y for z G C/j. 

4. Since X is second countable space, we can take a countable cover 
{Ui}i =lj 2,... of the space X. Let us define s x (z) = Si(z) for z G U 1: 


s x (z) = s 2 (z) for z G U 2 \ Ut, . . . , s x {z) = s n (z) for z e U n \(U 1 UU 2 U 
. . . U n -i) etc. 

It is easily seen that s x (z) is measurable. 

5. The set of discontinuity of s x is contained in the union of sets dUi = 
Ui \ Ui, i = 1, 2, which is of measure zero. 

This ends the proof. 

From now on we assume that considered groupoids are locally compact 
and satisfy the assumptions of Proposition 1. It is known that in the case of 
any locally trivial groupoid there exists a right Haar system (see [H]). Let 
us choose a collection of sections {s x } x& x, defined by Proposition 1.3, and 
denote by d^ y the right Haar measure on the isotropy group T y . (From the 
assumption that the groupoid Q is locally compact it follows that all isotropy 
groups are locally compact and have Haar measures.) 

Definition 3 A right Haar system {\ x } xt =x on the groupoid Q is called con- 
sistent with a Borel regular measure fi on the base space X if, for every 
x G X and any f G C C {Q X ), 


The above formula gives an explicit construction of the right Haar system 
for many classes of groupoids (see, Section 3 for pair groupoid, and Section 
6 for transformation groupoid). 

Let us recall the concept of groupoid representation [IE],[2T]. It involves 
a Hilbert bundle H over X, H = (X, {H x } xe x, //) (Dixmier [5] uses for it 
the name of //-measurable field of Hilbert spaces over X). Here all Hilbert 
spaces H x are assumed to be separable. 

Let /i be a ^-invariant measure on X, and v and v 2 the associated mea- 
sures on Q. 

Definition 4 A unitary representation of a groupoid Q is the pair (14, H) 
where H is a Hilbert bundle over X and U = {U(g)} ge g is a family of 
unitary maps U(g) : H d ^ — > H r ^ such that: 

1. U (e(x)) = idn x for all x E X , 


U(g) o U(h) = U(g o h) for v 2 - a.e. (g, h) e Q 2 


U(g- 1 ) = U(g)- 1 for v -a.e. g eg 


For every (ft, ip € L 2 


G3g^(U(g)4>(d(g)),i;(r(g))) rig) eC 


is v -measurable on Q. (Here L 2 (X, H,/i) denotes the space of square- 
integrable sections of the bundle H 7 and (•, -) x denotes the scalar prod- 
uct in the Hilbert space H x .) 

3 Elementary properties of representations 
of groupoids. 

Definition 5 Unitary representations (Wi,Hi) and {U 2 , H 2 ) of a groupoid 

Q are said to be unitarily equivalent if there exists a family {A x } x( zx of 

isomorphisms of Hilbert spaces A x : Hi x — > H 2x ,x G X such that for every 

x,y G X and for u—a.e. g G Q% the following diagram commutes 

n\ x > rl\y 

A X Ay 

H2x > H 2 y 

U 2 (g) 

Definition 6 Let (U, H) be an unitary representation of Q and let Hi be a 
Hilbert subbundle of H. We say that Hi is Q -invariant if U{g)H^ x C H^ y 
for every x,y G X and for u—a.e. g G Q y x . Then the representation (W, Hi) 
is called a subrepresentation of (U, H). A subrepresentation (U, Hi) is called 
proper if Hi is proper subbundle of H 7 i.e. Hi ^ H and Hi is not null 
space bundle. 


Definition 7 A unitary representation (14, H) is called irreducible if it has 

no proper subrepresentations. 

Example 3 Let H = X x H be a trivial Hilbert bundle over X with fiber H . 
For g G G%, x,y G X define an operator of the representation 
U(g) : {x} x H — > {y} x H by U(g)(x,h) = (y,h). Such representation 
(14, H) of the groupoid Q is called trivial representation. A trivial represen- 
tation is irreducible if and only if it is one- dimensional, i.e., dimH = 1. 

Example 4 Let H x = L 2 (Q x ,d\ x ), for x G X, be a Hilbert space of square 
\ x -integrable functions on Q x , and for g G Q^.,x,y G X and f G H x define 
U(g) :H x ^H y by 

(U(g)f)(g 1 ) = f(g 1 og), 

for g 1 G Q y . 

A representation (14, H) is called regular representation of the groupoid 


Now let us consider the regular representation of a pair groupoid Q = X x X. 
Let fj, be a regular Borel measure on X. Let us define a right Haar system of 
measures {[i x } x <zx on the pair groupoid Q , \i x being given on Q 0tX = X x {x} 
by the formula n x (f) = f Qox f(y, x)dfi(y). 


Then we have a simple invariance condition: 

/ f[(y,x) o (x,z)]dfi{y) = / f(y,z)dfi{y). 

For each x G X the Hilbert space L 2 (G 0x ,d[i x ) is obviously isomorphic 
to L 2 (X). 

Example 5 The regular representation of a pair groupoid Qq in the Hilbert 
bundle {L 2 (^ ,i)}xex over X is given by the following family of operators 
{U (g)}, 9 e Go, x , x,y G X 

[U {g)f](z,y) = f(z,x) 

where z G X . 

Let us observe that the regular representation of pair groupoid is equivalent 
to trivial representation in the trivial Hilbert bundle X x L 2 (X). 

Now, we shall introduce the quotient groupoid Q /V (cf. [12]) and consider 
its representations. 

Let T be the isotropy groupoid of a groupoid Q. Let us define an equiva- 
lence relation ~ on Q, for g,h G Q, 

g ~ h <^ there exist 7i G T such that (7^ g) G Q 2 and 71 o g — h. 


Let us notice that if 72 G Td( g ) then also g ~ g o 72 . Indeed, g o 72 = 
72 S 1-1 9 = 7i 9 where 71 = # o 72 o g' 1 e r r(g) . 

Denote the equivalence class of g e £ by [g], and the set of such equiv- 
alence classes by £?/r. Then we can introduce the groupoid structure on 
Q/T. The structure maps d and f, the multiplication, the inverse and the 
identity section e are given by d[g\ = d(g), r([g\) = r(g), [g] o [h] = [g o h], 
for (g,h) e Q 2 , [gY 1 = [g' 1 ], i(x) = [e(x)], respectively. 

It easy to see that the canonical projection p Q/T is a homomor- 

phism of (topological) groupoids (in Q/T we choose the quotient topology). 
Let us denote by Qo the pair groupoid Q = X x X over the base X. Recall 
that in Q we have d (x, y) = y, r (x, y) = x, (x, y) o (y, z) = (x, z), (x, y)' 1 = 
(y,x) and e (x) = (x,x). 

We observe that the quotient groupoid Q/T coincides with Q . 

Proposition 2 The map $ : Q/T — > Q , given by $([#]) = (r(g),d(g)), is 
an isomorphism of groupoids over X . 

Proof: It is clear that, for g, h e Q 2 , one has $([<?] o [h]) = (r(g), d(h)) = 
(r(g),d(g)) o (r(h),d(h)) = $([<?]) o $([/*]). Also ^([g]' 1 ) = (d(g),r(g)) = 
($([(?])) _1 . Thus $ is a groupoid homomorphism. It is clear that <£> maps 
Q/T onto Qq. Moreover, if $([(?]) is a unit element in Q , i.e., $([<?]) = (x,x) 


for an element x G X, then d(g) — r(g) = x, i.e., g G T and [g] in a unit in 
(//T. This means that <£> is an isomorphism, o 

Now, let us assume that a representation (U, H) of the groupoid Q is 
T— invariant, i.e., (7(705) = £/(#) for every g <E G, 7 G T, (7,5) G 
Then it is easily seen that one has a unitary representation (Wo, H) = 
({U ([g})}[ g ](zg/r, H) of the groupoid £/T formed by the family of operators 

U ([g}) = U(g) :H x ^H y 

for every g such that d(g) = x, r(g) = y. 

Example 6 Let H x = L^{Q X ) be a Hilbert space of Y— invariant and 
ji— square integrable functions on Q x , i.e. such that, for Borel-measurable 
functions f on Q x , f(jog) = f(g) for every g G Q x , 7 G Y, (7,5) G Q 2 , and 
fx \f(.9)\ 2 dfi(r(g)) < 00. It is clear that the space Ll(Q x ) is isomorphic to 
L 2 (X). Define for every g G G%, x,y G X an operator U(g) : H x — >■ H y by 

(U(g)f)(g 1 ) = f(g l og) 

for f G H x , g 1 G Q y . In such a manner we obtain a Y -invariant unitary 
representation of the groupoid Q which is called a quasi-regular representa- 
tion. Let us observe that the corresponding representation U$ of the quotient 


groupoid Q/T coincides with the regular representation of the pair groupoid 


4 Induced representations of the groupoid Q. 

In this section, we define the representation of Q induced by a representation 
of the isotropy subgroupoid T. From now on we assume that on the groupoid 
Q there exists a right Haar system {\ x } xe x consistent with Borel regular 
measure // on X. 

First, we have to construct an appropriate Hilbert bundle. 

Assume that there is given a unitary representation (r, W) of the sub- 
groupoid T. Here W is a Hilbert bundle over X. Let W x denote a fiber 
over x G X which is a Hilbert space with the scalar product (•, -) x , and let 
W = U xe xW x denote the total space of the bundle W. 

Let us define, for every x G X, the space W x of W- valued functions F 
defined on the set Q x satisfying the following four conditions: 

1. F(g) G W r (g) for every g G Q x , 

2. for every //-Borel measurable r-section s x : X — > Q x (see Proposition 
1) the composition F o s x is a //-measurable section of the bundle W, 


3. F( 7 o g) = r^)F(g) for g G Q x , 7 G r r(ff) , 

4. /<F(s a; ( J /)),F(s x (j/))) 1 ,dMj/)<oo. 

If we identify two functions F, F' G W x satisfying 

I <(F - F')My)), (F - F^My)))^) = 0, 

we can introduce the scalar product (•, -) x in the space W x 

(F 1 ,F 2 ) X = J (F 1 (s x (y)),F 2 (s x (y))) y d^y) 

where s x is the section determined by Proposition 1, part 3. 

The spaces W x , x G X, with these scalar products are Hilbert spaces. It is 
easily seen that they are isomorphic to the Hilbert space L 2 (X, W) of square- 
integrables sections of the bundle W. Now, let us denote W = {W x } xe x- 
It is a Hilbert bundle over X. We define a unitary representation of the 
groupoid Q in the Hilbert bundle W in the following way 

Definition 8 The representation of the groupoid Q induced by the represen- 
tation (r, W) of the subgroupoid T is the pair {U T , W) where, for g G Q y x , we 
define U T (g) : W x -)• W y by 

(U T (g )F)(g) = F(gog ). 

It is clear that (U T , W) is a unitary groupoid representation. 
Sometimes we shall use the notation U T = Ind^(r). 

5 Systems of imprimitivity. 

For a given Hilbert space W we can consider the Hilbert space L 2 (X, W ) of 
square integrable W - valued functions on X. In the space L 2 (X,W ) one 
has a representation of the commutative algebra L°°(X) given by the mul- 
tiplication operators by the function: L°°(X) 3 f ->■ 7T (/) G B(L 2 (X,W )) 
where, for z G X, 

We shall call 7r £/ie natural representation of L°°(X) in L 2 (X, W ). 

Now, let us consider a representation U of the groupoid Q in & Hilbert 
bundle H over X. We assume that for /i - a.e. x G X there exists a Hilbert 
space W x with a scalar product (•, -) x such that the spaces W x are isomorphic 
with each other. Let us assume that, for /j, - a.e. x, the fiber H x of the bun- 
dle H is isomorphic to L 2 (X, W x ). We shall simply write H x = L 2 (X, W x ), 
and U(g) : L 2 (X,W X ) ->■ L 2 (A",W W ) for 5 G ^. It is clear that the collec- 
tion of the spaces {L 2 (X,W x )} x( zx forms a Hilbert bundle over X which is 


isomorphic to the bundle H. 

Definition 9 We say that there exists a system of imprimitivity (U, n) for 

the representation (U, H) of the groupoid Q if 

1. the representation (U, H) satisfies the above assumption (H x = 
L 2 (X,W X ) for fi -a.e. xeX), 

2. 7r = {j x ) x& x is the family of natural representations of the algebra 
L°°(X) in the Hilbert spaces L 2 (X, W x ), 

3. for every f G L°°(X), and for /i - a.e. x,y G X, and v - a.e. g G Q% 

U{g)-n x {f)U{g~ 1 ) = ir y (f). 

Example 7 Let (U, H) be the quasi-regular representation of the groupoid 
Q , defined in Example 6. Then there exists a system of imprimitivity (U, ir) 
forU. Indeed, for f G L°°(X), tp G H y , g G Q%, h G Q y , we have 

(U(g)7r x (f)U(g- 1 )^(h) = (nMUig-^hog) = 

= f(r(h o g^Uig" 1 )^ o g) = f{r{h))^{h) = ir v (f)^(h). 

The quasi-regular representation can be understood as induced by a trivial 
one- dimensional representation of the subgroupoid T. 


We are now in a position to state our main theorem (the imprimitivity 
theorem for groupoids): 

Theorem 1 If, for a representation (U, H), there exists a system of imprim- 
itivity (II, 7r) then the representation U is equivalent to the representation U T 
induced by some representation (r, W) of the subgroupoid T. 

Let us observe that, for 7 e T x — Q x , condition 3 of the Definition 9 of 
the imprimitivity system reduces to the following one 

U{T)* x {f)U{T x ) = **(/)■ 
Let us denote by Mo :X the following subalgebra in B(H X ) = B(L 2 (X, W x ))\ 

M , x = {c/( 7 ) : 7 e rj. 

Then we have, for /x - a.e. x G X, 7r :c (L 00 (X)) C A^o x , where M' 0x 
denotes the commutant of the algebra Mo, x in B(H X ). 

Definition 10 The system of imprimitivity (U, n) is irreducible if, for \i - 
a.e. xeX, 7r x (L°°(X)) = M' 0x . 

Theorem 2 If for a representation (U, H) there exists an irreducible sys- 
tem of imprimitivity (U, n) then the representation U is equivalent to the 
representation U T induced by some irreducible representation (r, W) of the 
subgroupoid Y . 


First, let us notice that from the fact that all operators U(j), 7 G T x , 
commute with all ir x (f), f G L°°(X), it follows that U(^y) are decomposable 
(see [5], part II, 2.5). This means that, for fi — a.e. y G X, there exists 
an operator U(^) y G B(W X ) such that, for ip G L 2 (X,W X ), (U(j)ip)(y) = 
U( r y) y (i/;(y)). It is easily seen that all U(j) y are unitary (cf. |5], II. 2, Ex.2). 
We can prove even more. 

Lemma 1 If for a representation (U, H) there exists a system of imprimi- 
tivity, then 

1. there exists a unitary representation (t x , W x ) of the group T x such that 
T x(l) = U(j) for every 7 e T x and fi - a.e. x G X. (In particular it 
means that the function X 3 y — > U(j) y G B(H X ) is a constant field of 
operators ), 

2. we can define a representation (r, W) of the subgroupoid T such that, 
for 7 G T x , r(i) = 7-3.(7), 

3. if the system of imprimitivity (U, it) is irreducible then (r, W) is an 
irreducible representation of V , i.e., for fi - a.e. x G X , the represen- 
tations (t x ,W x ) of the groups T x are irreducible. 


Proof: Notice that the Hilbert space L 2 (X,W X ) is isomorphic to the 
tensor product of Hilbert spaces L 2 (X) (£)W X . A decomposable operator in 
such a space has the form [A(ip ® h)](y) = ip(y) <S> A y h. We have to show 
that it is of the form id L 2 <S> A , where A G B{W X ). Let {/0i}t=i,2,... De 
an orthonormal basis of the space L 2 (X). Consider the unitary operators 
Uij in the space L 2 (X) defined by Uijipj — If A is decomposable then 
A commutes with all operators of the form Uij <g> idjj x - Then it follows that 
A = iduz®AQ by Lemma 2 ([5], section 1.2.3). For the operators U(y), , y G T x 
let us denote by t x (j) the operators W x — >■ W x such that U(j) = id L 2 ®T x (y). 
It is clear that all t x (j) are unitary in W x , and t x (ji o 72) = t x (ji) o ^(72) 
for 71,72 G T. Thus r x is a unitary representation of the group T x in the 
Hilbert space W x . This ends the proof of part 1. 

Now the assertion 2 of the Lemma is obvious. 

To obtain part 3 it is sufficient to see that the condition of irreducibility of 
the imprimitivity system implies that only operators of the form Xidw x , (A G 
C) commute with all 7^(7), 7 G T x . But by Schur's lemma it follows that the 
representation t x of T x is irreducible, o 

The next lemma gives us more properties of the representation (r, W) of 
the groupoid T as well as of the representation (U, H) that has a system of 


Lemma 2 

1. The representations t x ,x G X are equivalent to each other, as repre- 
sentations of isomorphic groups T x . 

2. The operators U(g) : H x ->■ H y , where H x = L 2 (X,W X ), H y = 
L 2 (Y, W y ) for g G Q y x , are decomposable, i.e., there exist unitary op- 
erators U°(g) :W X ^W y such that for ip G L 2 (X, W x ) and, for z G X , 

(U(g)^)(z) = (U°(g))Mz)). 
Moreover, the operator U°(g) : W x — > W y does not depend of z G X . 

Proof: First we shall prove part 2. First of all, let us notice that all 
spaces W x , for /i - a.e. x G X, are isomorphic to each other as Hilbert spaces. 
Denote by i y x : W x — » W y the isomorphism and define the unitary map R y x : 
L 2 (X,W X ) -> L 2 (X,W y ) by (RW)(z) = i%(^(z)), i> G L 2 (X,W x ),z G X. 
Consider the composition of unitary maps U(g) o (R^Y 1 : L 2 (X,W y ) — >■ 
L 2 (X, Wj,) where (7 G By using the property of the imprimitivity system 
for U(g), we obtain 

U(g) o (it*)" 1 o = n y (f) o [/(«?) o (Rl)^ 


for / G L°°(X). 

This means that the operator ?7((yf)o(i?^) _1 is decomposable in L 2 (X, W y ). 
But (R y x ) is a decomposable map by definition, therefore U (g) is decompos- 
able as the composition of decomposable maps. As in the proof of Lemma 1 
we conclude that U°(g) does not depend of z G X and is unitary. 

To prove part 1 let us first observe that the isotropy groups T^, are 
isomorphic to each other x G X. Indeed, taking an element g G Q y x we define 
the isomorphism i : T x — > T y by the formula 2(7) = 5070 g^ 1 for 7 G T x . 
Now, we have U(i(^)) = %d L i <g> 7^(2(7)) as in the proof of Lemma 1. On the 
other hand, £7(2(7)) = U(g) o ^(7) o L% _1 ) = (id L 2 <g> £/°(#)) o (id L 2 0^(7)) o 
(irf L2 <g> U°(g)- 1 ) = id L 2 <g> (C/°(#) o 7-3(7) o f/ ^)" 1 ). Therefore, we have 
T y {i{^)) = U°(g) o 7-21(7) o i7 (<7) -1 , but this means that the representations 
T y and t x are equivalent. 

Now, we are in a position to give proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. 

Proof. Let us consider the spaces {W x } x ex, introduced in Section 1, 
connected to the representation r of Lemma 1 and the corresponding induced 
representation U T . We shall show that the representation (U, H) is equivalent 
to (U T , W). We define a family of isomorphisms of Hilbert spaces J x : H x — >■ 


W x for fj, - a.e. x G X. Since H x = L 2 (X,W X ), for ip G if^, g G (? x , and 
r {g) — £/> we P u t F{g) = (J x i/))(g) = (U(g)(i/)))(y). The definition is correct 
since by Lemma 2 we have (U(g)ip)(y) = U°(g)(ip(y)), and U°(g) does not 
depend of y G X. Since C/(#)V> G L\X,W y ), therefore [U(g)(ijj)](y) G W„. 
Also it is clear that F(j o g) — r(j)(F(g)) for 7 G 1^. To see the square- 
integrability let us write 

J(F(s x (y)),FMy))) y dfi(y) = 

= j(u\s x {y))my),u\ Sx {y))my))yd^y) = f&(y)^(y))vMy) = 

=11 i> \\h x < 00. 

This also shows that J x are unitary maps and are injective. To see 
that J x map onto W x , we can give the formula for J" 1 : (J x 1 F)(y) = 
(U°(g))~ 1 (F(g)) where F G W x and g G Q y x . Then the right-hand side does 
not change if we take other element g\ G Q y x . Indeed, since g 1 = 'yog, 
for an element 7 G T y , therefore we have (£7° (7 o g))~ 1 (F(y o g)) = 
((f/ (( ? ))- 1 (r(7))- 1 (r(7))(F(^)) = (U° (g))' 1 (F (g)) . This shows that J x , 
x G X, are isomorphisms of Hilbert spaces. Now we can see that J x are 
intertwining maps for the representations U and U T , i.e., that the following 


diagram commutes 

rr Vi9) rr 

n x > n z 

U T (g) 

for /i-a.e. x,z G X and 1/ - a.e. g G Let ip G i^. Then, for h G 
0jjf, we have [(J z U(<,))ty)](h) = [{U{h){U{g))^)]{y) = U{hog)^(y)) = 
U°(h o g)(iP(y)). On the other hand, U T (g)J x (^)(h) = [J x (ip)](h o = 
[C/(/i o g r )(V')] (?/)■ This ends the proof of Theorem 1. 

The theorem 2 is now a simple consequence of Theorem 1 and Lemma 1, 

part 3. 

6 Representations of the transformation 
groupoid Q = X x G, X = K\G 

As an introduction to this section we recall the concept of induced represen- 
tation in Mackey sense (cf [15], [13], [22]) of a Lie group G by a unitary 
representation (L, V) of its closed subgroup K defined in a Hilbert space V. 

We assume, for simplicity, that X = K\G has a G-invariant measure /i. 
We consider Hl, a Hilbert space consisting of measurable functions on G 


with values in V, such that 

( f ) (hg) = L(h)<P(g),heK, 


< oo 

where [g] denotes the image of g in X under the projection G — > K\G = X. 
We introduce the inner product 

Then we define the representation U L of G on T-Ll given by the formula 

It is easily seen that U L is unitary. The representation (U l ,V,l) is called 
induced by the representation L of K. 

Let G be a noncompact Lie group and K its compact subgroup. We 
assume that G is unimodular. Then the homogeneous space X = K\G is a 
G— manifold with right action of the group G: X x G 3 (x, g) (->■ xg e X. 

As above, we assume that there exists a G-invariant measure fi on the 
space X, i.e., for / e C C (G) we have 

(t/ L G?)/)G?o) = /(aw), weGJe 


We shall consider the structure of transformation groupoid on Q = X x G 
(cf. Example 2) and construct a right Haar system on Q consistent with the 
measure \i. 

Let us denote 

G x = {(x,g)eg:geG}, 

G y = {(yg-\g)eg:geG}. 

Let us also denote the isotropy group Q% by T x , T x = {(x,k) : k G K x }, 
where K x is a subgroup of G of the form K x = g^Kgo where go G G is 
an element of the coset x (x — [go])- Indeed, for k x e K x we have xk x = 
[golg^kgo = [kg ] = x. 

Lemma 3 Let s be a Borel section of the principal bundle G — > K\G = X , 
i. e., \sq{x)\ = Ks (x) = x. Then 

1. for every x G X there exists a section s x : X — >■ g x with respect to the 
map r, i.e., r(s x (y)) = y, 

2. every element g G Q x can be represented as g = k o s x (y) where k G 

r = G y 



1. Let o G X denotes the origin point, i.e., o = [k], k G K. Then we have 
[fcso(a;)] = x or, equivalently, osq(x) = x. Analogously, oso(y) = y for 
y G X. Thus we can define the section s x : X — > Q x by the formula 
s x (y) = (x, s (x) _1 s (y))- It is clear that r(s x (y)) = y. 

2. Let us observe that the product ko s x (y), where k e T y = Q v y , is of the 

(y, soiy^ksoiy)) o (x, so(x)' 1 s (y)) = (x, s (x) _1 A;so(y))- 

We have to show that if g = (x, g) with g such that xg = y, then 
there exists k G K such that g = s ( ;r )" 1 ^ s o(y) or > equivalently, 
so^gsoiyy 1 = k. Now, oso^gsoiyy 1 = xgs Q (y)~ 1 = ys Q {y)' 1 = o. 
But the isotropy group of the origin point o is equal to K, what means 
so^gsoiyy 1 G K. o 

Now, for a function / G C C (Q X ), let us define f x (y,k) = f(x,s (x)~ 1 ks (y)), 

/ /(g)dA jB (g)= / / f x (y,k)dkdiM(y). 
Jg x Jx Jk 

Proposition 3 The collection {\ x } x <=x is a right Haar system on the 
groupoid Q consistent with the measure ji on X . 


Proof: We have to show the right-invariance of the system {A^}. Let 
z = r (go)j go = (x,go) such that xg = z and let us compute 

/ f(s°So)d\ z (g) = / f[(z,s (z)~ 1 ks (y))o(x,g )]dkdn(y) = 
Jg z Jx Jk 

j j f(x,gos (z)~ 1 kso(y))dkdfji(y). 

Let us observe that oso^goSo^z)' 1 = zs Q (z)~ l = o, thus 
s o( a; )fl , o s o(- 2 ) _1 ^ K an d s o( x )9o s o( z ) — ki e K. But this means that 
9oSo{z)~ 1 k = so(x)~ 1 ki. Thus, continuing the computation, we have 

f(x,g s (z) ks (y))dkdfi(y) = f(x,s (x) kiSo(y))dkidn{y) 

f(g)d\ x (g). o 

Now, we shall consider representations of the isotropy subgroupoid T. As 
we have seen, T = \J x ex{ x } x K x with K x = g~ l Kg and g e G such that its 
coset in X is equal to x ([<?] = rr). We can use g = so(x). 

Let (r, W) be a unitary representation of the groupoid T in a Hilbert 
bundle W = {W x } xeX . 

Definition 11 A representation (r, W) is called X- consistent if there exist 
a unitary representation (r , Wo) of the group K and a family of Hilbert space 



A x : Wo -> W x , x e X 
such that, for 7 <ET X of the form 7 = (x, so(x)~ 1 kso(x)), 

r( 7 ) = A x r {k)A-\ 

Proposition 4 Let (U, W) fre a unitary representation of the groupoid Q. 
Then the restriction (r, W) to £/ie subgroupoid T of the representation 
(U,W), given by the formula t{j) = U{j) for 7 6 T, is a X-consistent 
representation ofY. 

Proof. We can write 7 = (x, s (a:) _1 A;so(a;)) = (o, s (x)) o (o, A;) o 
(o^soix))- 1 . Then C/( 7 ) = U((o, s (x)))U((o, k))U((o, s (x)))-\ Let us 
denote Ar = C/((o, s (x))) and r (A;) = U((o,k)), Wo = W Q . Then it is clear 
that {A^j^gx an d r satisfies the conditions of X-consistent representation. 


In the sequel we shall consider the representation of the groupoid Q = 
X x G induced by X - consistent representation (r, W) of the subgroupoid 
T, and we shall establish its connection with the induced representation in 
the Mackey sense of the group G. We use the notation of section 3. Now 


condition 3 of the definition of the space W x assumes the form 

F(l°(x,g)) = T{j)F{x,g) 

where x,y G X, y = xg, g G G, 7 G T y = {y} x K y . Thus we have 
7 = (y, sod/) _1 /cso(y)) for an element k G K . Then, by the definition of 
X-consistent representation, we can write 

-^(7 ( x , g)) — (A y T (k)A y 1 )F(x, g). 

Let introduce a function : G — >■ W defined by the formula <f>(ks (y)) = 
A~ 1 (F(a;, SQ^x^ksQ^y))). Then the function <p has the property <f>(kg) = 

It is sufficient to check the above formula for g — s (y). If 7 = 
(y, s d/) _1 ^so(y)) then we have <f>(kg) = A" 1 ^ (7 {x, so(x)- 1 s (y)))) = 
A-^AyTo^A-^Fix^soiy)) = T (k)(f)(g). 

We shall use the notation (L, W ) for the unitary representation of the 
group K in the space Wq, L = r . Thus we have 4>{kg) = L(k)<f>(g) and we can 
consider the Hilbert space Hl introduced above as well as the representation 
(?7 l ,'Hl) of the group G induced in the sense of Mackey by L from the 
subgroup K. 

The following theorem establishes a connection of the induced represen- 


tation (U T ,W) of the groupoid Q with the representation (U L ,1-L L ) of the 
group G. 

Denote by R g , g G G, the following operator acting in the space W X: x G 
X,y = xg, 

(R g F)(x,h) = (A xh A^ g )(F(x,hg)). 

Then we have the family of unitary G-representations (R, W x ),x G X. 
(The unitarity follows from the fact that the measure \i is G-invariant and 
the operators A x h,A x h g are Hilbert space isomorphisms.) 

Theorem 3 

1. For every x G X the G -representation (R,W X ) is unitarily equivalent 
to the induced representation (U 1 ^^. 

2. All representations (R,W X ), x G X , are unitarily equivalent to each 
other. The equivalence is given by the operators 11 : W x —> W y , 

{IlF){y,s,{y)- l ks Q (z)) = (A y A~ 1 )(F(x, so(x)~ 1 kso(z))), 

x,y G X. 



1. We define the linear map J x : W x — > Hl by (J x F)(g) = <f>(ks (y)) = 
Ay 1 (F(x, so(x)~ 1 kso(y))) where g = kso(y). J x is a linear isomorphism 
since A y is an isomorphism and it is easily seen that J x preserves scalar 
products of W x and % L and so it is a Hilbert space isomorphism. To 
see that it defines an equivalence of representations, we have to show 
that, for g G G, the following diagram is commutative 



U L (g) 

Let us compute (U L (g)J x )(F)(h). It is sufficient to take h = s (y) and 
to notice that each g G G can be written in the form g = So(y)~ 1 ks (z), 
for z G X, z = yg and an element k G K. 

(U^Soiy^ksoiz^J^F^Soiy)) = (J x F)(ks (z)) = 

= L{k)A-\F{x,s Q {x)- l s {z))). 

On the other hand 

(J x R g )(F)(s (y)) = A y l ((R g F)(x,s (xy l s (y))) = 

= A^ 1 (A y A; 1 )(F(x,s (x)- 1 ks (z))) = A; 1 r(7)(F(x, So (a;)- 1 S oW)) = 
= A~ 1 A z T (k)A~ 1 (F(x, sq(x)~ 1 sq(z))) = L{k)A-\F{x, s^x)' 1 s (z))). 


2. Now it is a simple observation that 1% = J y 1 J X . o 

7 A physical picture. A concept of particle 
in the representation theory framework 

In papers ([7], [9], [8], [E]) we have studied a model unifying general 
relativity and quantum mechanics based on noncommutative geometry The 
principal structure of the model is provided by a transformation groupoid 
G = E x G where G is the Lorentz group and E is the principal G-bundle 
over the spacetime M (the total space of he bundle is formed by all Lorentz 
frames at all points of M). We have defined a right action of G on E, and 
the multiplication of elements of the groupoid is introduced as follows 

(P9,9x) ° (P,g) = (P,99i), 

V e E,g,gi G G. 

The model is reduced to the usual quantum mechanics when an act of 
measurement is performed. Then we choose a frame p G E which represents a 
reference frame in which the measurement is done. In the sequel we consider 
the situation when we want to observe a particle from a different reference 


frame situated at a fixed point x G M. In such a case, our groupoid reduces 
to the groupoid G = E x x G where E x is the fiber of the bundle E over x. The 
groupoid G is transitive and its isotropy subgroupoid is trivial T = E x x {e}, 
where e G G is the neutral element of the group G. 

A representation (r, W) of T is realized in a trivial Hilbert bundle W = 
{W p } p€ E x with W p = C and t(j) = id\y v for 7 = (p, e). Therefore, the 
induced representation ([/ r , VF) of G is simply a regular representation (cf 
...)• Indeed, for p G E, we have G p = {(p,g),g G G}, W p = L 2 (G P ) ^ L 2 (G) 
and, for F G W p , h e G, 

(U T (p,g)F)(pg,h) = F((pg,h) o (p, g)) = F(p,gh). 

Let us notice that this regular representation can serve to define random 
operators on the groupoid and then to define the von Neumann algebra of 
the groupoid (cf. [8], [19], [9]). 

Now we pass to quantum mechanical momentum representation of a par- 
ticle with the mass m. Having fixed (by an act of measurement) p G E, we 
have reduced our initial space to {p} x G = G. But we want to consider 
the energy-momentum space H of the particle, H = {(po,Pi,P2,P3) G R 4 : 
Po ~ Pi ~ v\ ~ v\ — m }- We have an action of the group G = SL 2 (C) on the 


hyperboloid H (see 

To describe the action we identify H with the set H of hermitian 2x2- 

matrices with determinant equal to m, 

{P0,Pl,P2,P3) H> 


po -P3 pi- m 

P2 + iPl PO + P3 

and we let to act g G G on H to the right in the following way, 
~H 3 A h-> g*Ag e H. (It is clear that det(g*Ag) = detA = m). Next, 
we see that the isotropy group of the element (po, 0,0,0), po = y/m is 
equal to K = SU(2). Thus we deduce that the homogoneus space K\G is 
diffeomorphic to H . We can take the phase space of a particle of the mass 
m as the space Q = K\G x G = H x G and consider the algebraic structure 
of transformation groupoid on it. 

Let (U, W) be a unitary representation of the groupoid Q in a Hilbert 
bundle W. Assume that there exists an imprimitivity system (U, tc) for 
(U, W). We say that a particle of mass m is represented by the pair (U, tt). 
We say that it is an elementary particle if the imprimitivity system (U, 7r) 
is irreducible p2], [H]. Equivalently (on the strength of Theorem 1), we 
can say that the particle is an induced representation (U T , W) where r is a 


unitary representation of the isotropy subgroupoid T. In the same way, we 
can say that the particle is elementary if the inducing representation r is 
irreducible and, in turn, this means that the representation (L, Wo), L = t , 
of the group K = SU{2) is irreducible. Then the representation (L, Wq) is 
called the spin of the particle. 


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